Well, the exhibition is OVER! The unsold pieces are all wrapped up & stored away , & the Gallery is once again preparing to be transformed by another artist's work.
Thank you for sharing the experience with me by visiting either the exhibition itself, or this blog site. I really hope you've enjoyed the whole kit & kaboodle! And a very BIG thank you to those who bought pieces. I hope this blog has made them all the more interesting & meaningful for you.
The work for this exhibition was predominantly completed over the past year. I have had wonderful support over that time from my friends, family, & a couple of groups I belong to. THANK YOU...you know who you are!
For those of you who would like to see more of my work, the most reliable direction to send you is to the TArts Gallery, Gays Arcade, Adelaide Arcade, which is in downtown...you guessed it....ADELAIDE, South Australia!
So what am I going to do now, I hear you ask?
Well, aside from tidy my workroom THOROUGHLY & filing my work away, I'm just going to potter....making some fresh stock for TArts... getting ready for my window display (also in TArts) for October ...& hopefully managing to produce something for the Royal Society Of Arts Christmas exhibition! Then of course next year....there is the Dare To Differ exhibition to plan for!
So, although there are no more solo exhibitions on the immediate horizon, there is still plenty for me to put my creative & quirky mind to! Keep your ears pealed!!!!
Thanks again,
*Thanks to Cathy Boniciolli for giving me permission to use the above photo!
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