Thursday, 17 July 2014

Beauty in the KITCHEN

It was time to explore the potential for beauty in the kitchen! Hence...another mindmap!

Unlike a lot of modern Australian families...we DONT have a dishwasher!  Our kitchen is small & I opted for the practicality of more storage over the need for a big machine that washed, dried & polished!  Needless to say my children did not agree with my decision, especially when they were old enough to help wash & dry dishes themselves!

Having to wash & dry dishes means that there is no option but to really look at the marks that have been left behind as I am about to plunge the item into the water.  The chore is a tactile one....I become intimate with each curve & lip of each dish. In the stacking of clean dishes to be dried, I think about placement & in a quirky sort of way...composition!!!

The small body of work produced to represent this room of the home, concentrates on the landscape compositions created when stacking dishes, & the tea stains at the bottom of cups.

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